Using very simple outlines, a bit like childrens' drawings, makes it possible to transfer the forms into almost every material.
I liked the look of these birds and pondered upon how to make a brooch with the motif - while experimenting, I came up with this:
The bodies are cut out of discarded plastic cards (same stiffness as credit or club cards), covered with patterned washi tape. In good old malfatto manner, I just attached the broche needle and other metal wire components with duct tape.
Bits of wire - sometimes combined with scoubidou strings - and some beads for embellishments made the rest.
(German summary: Zwei Variationen von Vögel, einmal genäht/maschinengestickt, einmal als Broschen mit Recylingmaterial.)
They look so sweet loving cute Anneli. You just keep experimenting!!!!
They are such fun....I like their individual characters. I see what you mean about you and your son. I have that too. I guess he's the smaller one with his hair standing on end? Very soon mine will be the larger one and MY hair will be standing on end!!!!
die Vögel sind sehr schön geworden. So originell und bunt. Etwas ganz Besonderes!
lieber Sonntagsgruß von Heidi-Trollspecht
Thank you so much, dear Elizabeth, Clare, Heidi!
@ Clare: Yes, you're right - he's supposed to be the smaller one with his hair standing on end - at least in my imagination. In real life, he is already quite some taller than I am ...!
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