Slower treadling, just to the point of holding the fibers together, made this yarn as soft and delicate as I wanted it to be - then plied with a very thin cotton thread.
I still have some problems with the new slide yarn guides, though - they just don't seem to stay where I want them, but keep sliding towards the bobbin ... Anyone else who's got the same problem, or am I doing something wrong?
I've been playing around, doing some necklaces too - using cotton yarn and glass, bone and wooden beads from my stash. Thought it could be a nice thing to wear now to the summer clothing.
This is how the embroideries proceed for 'My Neighbour's Garden':
and for 'The Vineyards':
Sara is coming on Saturday - maybe we'll do some acid dyeing this time ... :-) By the way, if you want to read about really archaic natural dying, go visit Manya Maratous' wonderful Greek 'Mythcolour'-blog!
(German summary: Bambus-, Woll- und Seidenfasern - und laaangsames Treten - machen diese Wolle sehr weich und geschmeidig. Allerdings wollen die neuen gleitenden Fadenhalterungen immer wieder von selber Richtung Spule gleiten - ärgerlich. Mache ich etwas falsch oder hat noch jemand die gleichen Probleme damit?
Und dann gibt's noch ein paar Bilder von Halskettenspielereien mit buntem Baumwollgarn und verschiedenen Perlen, für's Sommergewand - und davon, wie die beiden gestickten und gepunchten Bilder voranschreiten - fleißig diesmal, gell?)
anneli this is a feast for the eyes. wow! and thanks for linking the blog. I was trying to decide what I like more from what you are showing us in this post, but I can't decide. there is something though in the subtlety of the green in that yarn that makes it sing:-))))
ich sehe, dass ich vieles zum anschauen haben werde, super!! ich stricke gerade einen schal für die kirsten, mit dem zauberball in weiß, grün, rosa. es wird wunderschön!
deine stickereien gefallen mir sehr und in den fotos sieht man so gut die struktur der oberfläche!
I love your agricultural stitchings! The knitting or crochet looks very soft - is it?
I am loving your necklaces, actually all your beautiful work.
I also enjoy reading in German. I spoke German fluently as a child and teenager. I have lost so much fluency that I need the English version when I get stuck :) My spoken language is terrible. I still have an aunt and cousins living in Altdorf b/Nurnberg
Thank you so much for commenting, girls!
@Manya: I'm honoured to have you around - wish I could dye as you do!
@Sara: Bin gespannt - willkommen!
@Clare: Yes, it's knitting - and extremely soft!
@Connie: Thank you for stopping by!
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