These are some of the woolen yarns I dyed with the Ashford dyes - I was surprised that even the mohair wool survived the tough heat in the microwave ...
... some rainbow colours ...
... some more yarns and bright wool rovings for spinning ...
... and when I went out into the garden in the morning, two butterflies had come along to inspect what they must have thought to be flowers!
Our working conditions are hard at the moment - it's so excessively hot even in the shadow - and in the evenings there are so many mosquitos that we just have to quit our work outdoors within minutes! And this afternoon we had a heavy rain with flash and thunder going down on us ...
I do hope that we'll manage to continue with the cotton dyeing tomorrow - that'll be the embroidery threads and some mesh fabric.
(German summary: So, ein paar Bilder der ersten Ernte von unserem Färbevorhaben! Es ist nur so irre heiß, und heute Nachmittag wurden wir von heftigem Regen und Wärmegewittern unterbrochen. Ich hoffe sehr, daß wir morgen die Baumwollfärberei mit den Reaktivfarben schaffen können ...)
You have done really wondreful job! And against all the mosquitos and the weather, it must have been awfully exciting to see the colorless wool-world around you turning into the wonderful colors of an enchanting tale.
What fantastic colours!
so many amazing colours and yet they still all go together!
Thanks for your encouraging comments, girls!
Today I will rinse the cotton threads and hope being able to show more results within soon!
Beautiful work and a wonderful blog.
Thank you so much, Dana&Daisy!
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