Tomorrow is D-day! D for 'dyeing', of course!
Sara is here, and we're busy making preparations for our first dyeing session together. We are both excited and a little nervous, as we have tons of wool and cotton and silk and ramie, as yarn, roving, fabric, threads and locks ...
We'll be dyeing both with Ashford and Procion colours, partly with a microwave - and it is my first experience ever.
Hoping for the weather to be stable - the amounts of colour, vinegar, salt, jars, plastic foil, buckets, beer (oops!) etc being sufficient - our energy and nerves to be on top - we will finally face this challenge!
(German summary: Morgen ist es soweit - nach langem Abwarten und einigen Vorbereitungen werden wir jetzt endlich färben - wir haben Tonnen von Wolle als Garn, Fasern, Fäden und Locken und sind schon etwas nervös, ob wir das alles auch schaffen werden ...)
Have fun ladies!!!!
What do you mean by 'fun'? This is truly hard work :-), dear Elizabeth!
toy toy toy!
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