The fine nerves of the leaves were done with a normal sewing thread, in order to get them real fine.
For the background I've used the coffee-tea-walnut dye once more - I find it's being very useful for 'oldening' the fabrics a bit.
Did you know that you can re-use your teabags and coffee filters for dyeing by just drying them after drinking and then using them for dyeing later on? And that all parts of the walnut tree - hulls, nuts, nutshells, leaves, bark, root - contain 'juglon' - the dyeing content of the tree. (I've learned all this in 'Färben mit Pflanzen' by Dorit Berger - and here is another link, where you can read about the herb walnut and its medical use.)
As I'm getting back a bit more into sewing and embroidering again - and finding my eyes are growing older (unfortunately not only the eyes ;-)) - I'm happy to have found a little helper for threading the fine needles.
Even if I'm not so fond of owning a lot of gadgets for every single purpose, this is one that I've really come to cherish - it's a Japanese made (Clover) half-automatic needle threader.
You just insert your needle in the needle slot, lay your thread into another slot, press the lever, pull the needle out again - and voilà! - by magic, your needle is threaded!
It's a mechanical little thing (no batteries!) and I cannot figure out how it functions - but it works! You can however only use quite fine needles for it - on the other hand, those with a big eye I can still manage without the gadget! In Europe, the price seems to be around €15.
(German summary: Noch ein Blatt-Fragment, diesmal eine geschlossene Form mit Stielstich in den Konturen und normales Nähgarn für die feinen Blattnerven. Ich habe auch ein kleines Gerät entdeckt, daß mir das lästige Einfädeln bei sehr feinen Nähnadeln erleichtert. Und dann hab' ich noch gelernt, daß man gebrauchte Tee- und Kaffeefilter für's Färben wiederverwenden kann und daß alle Teile des Walnußbaumes braun färben!)
Your leaves look stunning and that little machine is a miracle. As soon as I get that problem I will buy one of them.
hat sicher ein mann erfunden
Ja, glaub' ich auch, Rita! ;-)
yes I think I need to consider this little gadget - there are good and bad things about getting older!
ich freue mich immer, wenn du beiträge hast! ich benutze den einfädler auch täglich! je kleiner die nadel, desto besser kann er das, wirklich zauberkraft!
es ist interessant, dass die wallnußrinde, die milchproduktion in stillenden müttern drösselt, ich hätte das trinken sollen, als ich probleme damit hatte!
q Sara: Ja, obwohl zum Abstillen hätte normaler Salbeitee auch gereicht ... Naja, diese Probleme haben wir ja jetzt nicht wirklich mehr ;-)!
@Elizabeth, Clare: Yes, it's really a helpful thing - Sara just said she uses it every day too!
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