Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Ornament from Julochka!

This very beautiful bird sat down in my mistletoe today - it was made and sent by Julochka in Denmark. She and I both participated in the Christmas Ornament Swap organized by Elizabeth/Landanna.

And as if this would not be enough, she also gave me another handmade ornament from the Philippines, where she had been travelling lately:

Oh, I do very much enjoy this swap :-), thank you so much, Julochka! Let's persuade Elizabeth to organize another one next year, too, shall we?

(German summary: Diesen hübschen, selbstgenähten Vogel habe ich von Julochka in Dänemark bekommen, als Teilnehmerin am Weihnachtsschmuckaustausch! Sehr nett, so ein Tausch :-)!)


Kelly said...

How neat to get an ornament from another country. I know everytime I return to Germany I buy every wooden ornament I can find!

Sara lechner said...

ich liebe solche swaps!!

julochka said...

you are very, very welcome! i'm glad they made it safely and i'm sorry i didn't really wrap them in an exciting way (i am not the wrapper in our family, i can tell you)...i was just happy i managed to get them sent! :-) i'm sure the little bird ADORES the mistletoe!

merry christmas!

Anneli/Bockfilz said...

Thank you for commenting, girls - I always love to hear from you!