Still on holiday - that's the excuse for having been so lazy blogging lately - I'm just popping in to share my joy with you for finally having managed to do some of those Japanese origami cranes!
Strung on a string, with a bead below for a stopper, I'm sure they'll make a lovely window decoration!
For those of you still struggling, here's a tutorial I found!
(German summary: Oh, ich hab's geschafft! So lange wollte ich schon einen japanischen Papierkranich falten können ...)
They are lovely Anneli!
Enjoy the start of a new week.
Absolut kunstvoll beeindruckend ! LG Anke
Thank you so much, dear friends! I hope you're still enjoying summer leisure time - I sure am!
it would be interesting to see if one could make them from starched fabric wouldn't it?
Yes - that might certainly look very nice! Will you make a try?
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