A short while ago I suddenly held a beautifully hand-dyed fleece in my hands with the hint, that it is quite possible to spin directly from the fleece, without carding or preparing it much further, and at about the same time, I had also seen a sequence regarding core-spinning in Jacey Boggs' book and DVD 'Spin Art'.
So I tried it out with this Polwarth fleece and BFL locks -
- and with this Romney fleece -
- and it was great fun!
Normal spinning from the fleece (below showing milksheep fleece, still a bit greasy) - was fun too, somehow it made me feel much 'closer to the sheep' than with the carded roving.
But back to core-spinning: it's such a pleasure spinning and creating this fluffy, delicate yarn, it's just a feast to the eye and a wonderful feeling for your hands ... but what do you do with it? How can you work with it and use it, without destroying the lightness of its texture? And the small amount of yarn I had - just a bobbin full - limited the range of projects furthermore ...
I guess you can either first choose a project and then design your handspun yarn to fit in - or you can choose to have your fun while spinning and must then use your imagination finding a project suitable for your fancy yarn ...
Anyway, I realized this yarn needed an uncomplicated pattern and really big needles or hook to perform well - and was very happy to pick out my crochet hook 19 mm (!) for it, my absolutely biggest one -
and after some experimenting, I decided to crochet a moebius scarf, just single crochets in a twisted loop ...
- I used the yarn up to the very last inch, and had great pleasure in crocheting with it too!
What would you use your core-spun or bulky art yarn for? Any ideas or experiences to share?
(German summary: Ich spinne so gern - auch ein ganz normales Garn - aber diesmal wollte ich etwas neues probieren, core-spinning, direkt aus dem gefärbten Vlies heraus.
Eine reine Wonne, sowohl das Spinnen an sich als auch das Ergebnis! Aber was macht man daraus, so daß auch das Flauschige, Leichte erhalten bleibt?
Ich habe einen einfachen Möbius-Schal gehäkelt, mit Häkelnadel Nr 19 und normale feste Maschen - aber ich würde gerne mehr Vorschläge und Ideen sammeln! Was macht ihr mit eurem Artyarn?)
The first picture is just fantastic, please put it on flickr than I can keep it with my favorites.
And the shawl, WOW, you are a very lucky person to be able to make something so gorgeous.
So glad you decided to blog this!
Thank you so much for your sweet compliments, dear Elizabeth!
And yes, I have now uploaded the blue heart to my flickr-album - especially for you!
Your scarf is gorgeous!!
Thank you so much, dear Angela!
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