In order to maintain the beautiful colour separations which come with spinning a handpainted fleece or roving, I always wanted to know how to Navajo/chain ply. Still, as rather a newbie, this is not exactly the first thing you're giving a try at ...
Well, now I felt ready to deal with this challenge - and thanks to YouTube ;-), it wasn't even that difficult!
What you need is a slightly overtwisted single, three times the length you wish your yarn to be, and if you don't want the final yarn to bee too bulky, try spinning the single quite thin.
Set your whorl on big and slow, select a strong uptake, put your single on a lazy kate, make a loop with the single and the leader on your bobbin. Then it's basically just 'finger-crocheting' your single through the loop with your left hand - making real big loops -, while your right hand is pinching the three strands to form the twist.
Sounds more complicated than it actually is - just take a look at that video and I guess it will come perfectly clear!
Another funny little thing which I found at YouTube was an i-cord earphone wrapping tutorial, showing how to knit a colourful i-cord around the cables of your earphones, to prevent them from tangling. Of course I couldn't resist, these are mine:
(German summary: Jetzt habe ich mich ans Navajo/chain-Verzwirnen gewagt - und mit Hilfe des YouTube tutorials, war es gar nicht einmal so schwer. Der große Vorteil ist natürlich, daß die Farbsequenzen vom handgefärbten Vlies oder Kammzug viel besser erhalten bleiben.
Bei YouTube habe ich auch das lustige Einstricken der Kabeln gefunden - jetzt ist kein Kabel mehr vor diesem privaten 'guerilla-knitting' sicher!)
I just love these pretty colours!!!!
Fascinating...another world
Was für eine Farbenpracht wie gelungen deine Navajokünste und welch witzige Idee mit den Kabeln,danke für den Link. und danke auch für deine lieben Geburtstagsglückwünsche herzliche Grüße Anke
die gestrickten Kabelschützer sind
ja klasse :)
Ich lieebe Navajozwirnen. Seitdem
mir Claudia D aus dem RKZ Forum das
beigebracht hat mache ich es immer
Liebe Grüße Birgit
hi Anneli! i am truly fascinated by your yarns! spinning is high on my lest of something new i'd like to learn, but yet it is such a mystery.
these are so beautiful and I can't wait to see what you knit with these. xx,kristin
Immer wieder inspiriert mich dein Blog, danke dafür:
herzliche Grüße Anke
Thank you, dear friends! So sorry for this long period of silence, but I do so much appreciate your sweet and encouraging comments!
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