Monday, February 16, 2009

Feel Hope They Say ...

Feel Hope They Say

A mother has lost her child.

A woman has lost her husband.

People have lost their homes.

Feel hope they say.

Please let it be Spring soon

so life will grow again.

I'm back again - I had a most wonderful time with Sara, so many impressions and inspirations, a nourishing and joyful time with such a gifted artist and generous woman like she is ...

Now I've bumped down to earth again, and need some time to sort out all messages which have been piling up while I was away.

I tried to do a Whatiffing today - it turned out a little different.


Elizabeth said...

Hej Anneli,

Glad your back. Your piece looks beautiful. The sentence Feel hope they say, feels so sad. Did you write this poem yourself?

Anneli/Bockfilz said...

Hej Elizabeth,

thank you. Yes, I did write the words myself, they just came to me while working - well, and I do feel sad.

Anonymous said...

Im glad you had a good time with Sara (and on the autobahn). I will email soon. this is a very sad poem - i like the art it inspired.

Anneli/Bockfilz said...

Thank you, Paula. I always love to hear from you and look forward to your mail.