'Not doing it properly' - but bending the rules - is another way of setting creativity free, I think.
Take cross-stitch for example. We've all been taught to sew it neatly row-wise, stitches in one direction only, same size allover. What if you don't?
If you just regard them as stitches, ment for filling a space, covering a background, producing a colour field or even just lighter and darker areas - then it doesn't really matter what size they are, in which direction they're looking, if they're overlapping or not. On the contrary: variety will add further interest.
The yarn I used for this deer is real recycling stuff: I found it when enravelling an old cord and tassel ...
(German summary: Einen Stich nicht akkurat auszuführen kann manchmal sehr belebend sein :-). Wenn man z.B. den Kreuzstich als Flächenfüller, Bodendecker, Farbenmaler sieht, ist die Stichlänge, -größe, -anordnung plötzlich sehr nebensächlich ... Die Fäden, die ich hier verwendet habe, sind übrigens hauptsächlich der spannende Inhalt einer alten Kordel ...)
This looks utterly stunning Anneli. You have given me some inspiration for a page in a book I am thinking about.
Tonight for the first time in weeks I picked up a needle!!!!
Let the good times begin again.
Dear Elizabeth, I'm utterly happy if I can be of some inspiration to you - and curious about this book-project you're talking about ...!
Yes - let the good times start right now!
I think this is absolutely wonderful - it feels Christmassy!
Dear Mother Christmas,
I think it's because this deer looks similar to the ones Santa has in front of his sleigh - and because of the blanket it wears on its back - and maybe because of the shell beads on the antlers, which look a bit like parcels ...
but how could we possibly think of Christmas - we had +30°C in the shadow yesterday!
was wirst du mit allen machen?? ich bin schon neugierig. ein quilt? wäre toll.
Danke, Sara!
Ich weiß noch nicht genau, was daraus wird ... aber irgendwie möchte ich sie schon zusammenfügen, vielleicht untereinander, als Wandfahne -
wird aber ein langes Ding, da ich das nächste Vieh schon fertig hab' (ein Lustiges!) - und ein zweites noch im Kopf!
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