Yesterday I told you about the kit I bought at The Museum of Medieval Stockholm - and I got so tempted to start embroidering a bit again, that I kept on all day, until it was finished!
(The original illustration is taken from 'Dialogus creaturarum moralizatus', if you want to read more about it.)
As this simple kit basically just consists of the illustration printed on natural linen and a couple of mouliné threads and some single beads, not even suggesting which stitches or colours to use, I felt free to take my own hand-dyed threads instead and to practise long and short satin stitches, which I have rarely done before.
For the background 'water', I used chain stitches, broadening some of them for more variation. And as some medieval embroideries were known to be enriched by bead and metal thread embellishments, I let myself get carried away this time with some of that glittery stuff too ... using the contents of my new storage box and the jewel picker!
(German summary: Diese kleine Stickerei hat mich so in den Bann gezogen, daß ich es gestern noch fertiggestickt habe! Und da das Kit sehr minimalistisch gehalten war, habe ich kurzerhand Fäden und Perlen ausgetauscht und richtig 'byzantinisch' losgelegt!)
Oh, your seamonster is so cute. Just love it.
Have a lovely saturday evening.
Yes, I'm afraid it looks more cute than greedy ... with the embroidered letters below almost like a comic :-)! But it was great fun stitching anyway!
Anneli, do you know the fabel of the seamonster?
@ Elizabeth: I've tried in vain to find the complete story in English on the net, but as I assume you understand Swedish, you could click and enlarge the sea monster picture of yesterday's posting - there's the story!
die stickerei ist so schräg! ich finde die blumenpailletten sind ein hit!!!!!!
@Sara: He, was heißt hier schräg ;-) - irgendwo muß ich doch meine hübschen Blumenpailletten unterbringen!
anneli, thanks for the link! I was looking at fables the other day, and I wanted to stitch a picture for every one i read! this seamonster is a beuty, so much personality
He is AMAZING. I loved the design before but your stitching has really bought him to life and given him lots of personality.
I love all the textures
Thank you, dear friends! I'm so happy you enjoy the sea monster with me!
I love your little monster!! :-)
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