I'm back from my journey to the Northern hemisphere, still busy unpacking my treasures which I found there - among other things a funny little embroidery kit with a voracious sea monster.
The illustration is taken from one of the first books that was printed in Stockholm in 1483, and I found it at the shop of the Medieval museum. The kit itself is simple and very basic, more of an inspiration than an actual guideline - but it was the simpleness that charmed me!
I treated myself to a new, big storage box for my rocailles beads as well - just for the joy of having them displayed like a palette of colours - a feast for the eye.
The illustration is taken from one of the first books that was printed in Stockholm in 1483, and I found it at the shop of the Medieval museum. The kit itself is simple and very basic, more of an inspiration than an actual guideline - but it was the simpleness that charmed me!
I treated myself to a new, big storage box for my rocailles beads as well - just for the joy of having them displayed like a palette of colours - a feast for the eye.
And finally, I found a very useful little gadget again: it's a 'jewel picker', a tool with a fine, slightly sticky tip (probably silicone), for picking up small beads, sequins, paper cut-outs etc. I bought it at 'Panduro', a Swedish craft store, but the brand seems to be Japanese ('Marvy/Uchida').
(German summary: Ich bin von meiner Reise in den Hohen Norden wieder zurück, mit im Gepäck u.a. eine kleine Stickerei - das gefräßige See-Ungeheuer eben -, sowie eine große Plastikbox für meine Rocailles und ein praktisches kleines Helferlein, mit dem man winzige Perlen, Pailletten etc. gut erwischen kann.)
You're home again with some new and inspirational goodies.
A perfect start for a great weekend.
That sea monster pattern is very cool! :)
Glad you've had an inspirational time
hallo anneli,
schön, dass du wieder da bist. und gleich verleitest du mich. ich habe gerade ein jewel picker bei ebay gekauft, da ich mich momentan sehr mit den perlen ärgere!!! schaut total praktisch aus!! du findest immer sachen...!! :-)
hoffentlich hast du die reise genossen. dein monster ist auch toll!
Hi girls, so happy to have you around commenting again - thank you!
Yes, it was a very nice trip back home (both directions!) and as you can see, I found myself some new 'toys' to play with as well!
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