As Sara had brought her huge drum carder with her, I used the opportunity to card a whole stash of blue-green batts for a new project: I'd like to spin enough yarn in this colour range for a pullover, looking like nature itself ...
First, I had only planned to use different shades of blue and green wool - but Sara encouraged me to use tiny little bits of bright red inbetween, and also some yellow spots on the turquoise segments to make the basic colours come out even clearer and brighter. Inspired by this, I decided to use some brownish and purple wool inbetween as well - "to add further interest", as Sara would say.
Anyway, we had a great time this extended weekend - covering my living room/kitchen with two spinning wheels, two laptops, the drum carder, a weaving loom and loads of wool, yarn, books and other supplies; working, eating, laughing, drinking, talking 'til the early mornings ...
It really is a very special gift to get to know someone with whom you can share so much of your thoughts and ideas, making plans for future projects, inspiring eachother ... I'm so grateful for that.
This sounds and looks very interesting Anneli. Yes, its great to know likeminded spirits, you can share so much.
Schön, das ihr euch gefunden habt, ein schönes gegenseitiges Geschenk!
Liebe Grüsse, Allerleirauh
wonderful. I like the blue green mix, but the specks of red pop. i do like the mix of some sections without the red (like the bottom section of the knitting) - i think the red and yellow specks only in sections.
Beautiful colours!!!
Have a happy creative week
Thank you, girls! It's great to have you comments and I really enjoy reading them!
You put a big smile on my face while I was reading your post. Why? You wrote two spinningwheels and two lapstops in one sentence. It is like two different worlds who co-exist peacefully, like past and present.
But you really did a great job and I love the colors. When you write about Sara each time I'm struck by the love you hold for her. It is great to have a friend with whom you can share your passion for yarn and life.
See you.
Those little flashes of red are like glimpses of goldfish in the depths of a pond; they bring it to life.
also ich bin wirklich neidisch. na gut, eigentlich ich gönne es euch lieber.
da muss man wirklich mitfreuen. tolle werke sind rausgekommen aus eurem session.
gruss, ri
...da warst du ja wirklich gaaaanz fleißig ....und auf den pullover bin ich auch schon neugierig!!!!
mit sara hat das bestimmt doppelt soviel spass gemacht..... sie ist auch eine ganz besondere und wunderbare frau!!!!
lg mesa
Thank you, Elizabeth and Totty/Jo - I enjoyed both of your comments and admit: both are true! (Now I will often think of the dots as goldfish - before, they were just flowers to me!)
Danke auch Rita und Mesa: stimmt natürlich auch!
Wow, das sieht ja schon echt professionell aus ! Du hast doch auch erst mit dem Spinnen angefangen, oder ?? Ich stricke jetzt auch das erste selbstgesponnene Garn - mit Nadelstärke 10 ! Bin ja gespannt, wann ich bei normaler Stärke (4..) angekommen bin !
Der Pullover sieht schon ganz fantastisch aus, genau meine Farben ! Freue mich schon auf ein Bild vom fertigen "Werk" !!
LG Annette
Danke für Dein Lob, Annette! Ja, ich bin wirklich ganz blutige Anfängerin - und einen irren Spaß hab' ich dabei! Ich verstricke die Garne mit Nadelstärke 6-9, find' ich auch noch ganz handlich - ab 10 geht es nicht so leicht von der Hand, zumindest bei mir nicht.
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